How to make ...

The precursor to the Negroni and a stand out aperitif, (or aperitivo) the Americano is a light but complex mixture of bitter Campari, sweet vermouth and refreshing soda water.
25ml Campari
25ml Sweet Vermouth
Splash of Soda Water
Orange Slice to Garnish
Prep: 2 Minutes
Make: 30 Seconds
Total: 2 Minutes and 30 Seconds
80 Calories
Containes sulphites.
Serves 1
Take your glass – a wine glass or tall tumbler will do.
Using your jigger to measure, add Campari and sweet vermouth to the glass.
Fill the glass two thirds up with cubed ice.
Stir the ingredients using your bar spoon, and top with a generous splash of soda and more ice if needed.
Garnish with a slice of orange.
Serve and enjoy!
Bar Spoon
Cubed Ice
Originally called the ‘Milano Torino’ based on the Campari being from Milan and the sweet vermouth coming from Torino. Since then, the Americano has cemented its place in our cultural history – it is the first cocktail mentioned and ordered in James Bond in A View to a Kill. Bond mentions that it is only right to order a ‘cafe’ style cocktail when in a cafe. Many see the Americano as the father of the Negroni. It’s said to have been first served in Gaspare Campari’s bar in Milian. The name possibly finds its roots in the growing abundance of expatriated American drinkers in Italy during Prohibition and their preference for the drink.
The Americano was served throughout the 1800s until the invention of the Negroni by Count Negroni, and is the alleged precursor to the eponymous mixed drink.
The Americano was served throughout the 1800’s until the invention of the Negroni by Count Negroni. The name Americano comes from the fact it was a cocktail particularly loved by American expats.