How to Make a French Martini Cocktail | TT - London
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French Martini

By Stephen Thompson

The French Martini is a gloriously 80’s cocktail, a pastel pink mixture, with a sweet candy-like flavour an overall great and fun cocktail.


25ml Vodka

25ml Chambord

50ml Fresh Pineapple Juice

Fresh Raspberry to Garnish


Prep: 2 Minutes

Make: 30 Seconds

Total: 2 Minutes and 30 Seconds


186 calories


No common allergens to be found, although, since every body is different, we advise you check out this recipe's ingredients list just to be sure!


Serves 1


Chill a martini glass/coupette in the freezer or fill it with ice.

Take your Boston glass or small tin and, using your jigger to measure, add the vodka, Chambord and pineapple juice to the shaker.

Fill your shaker with cubed ice and seal using the Boston tin or lid, before shaking VERY hard for 10-15 seconds or until your tin is very cold.

Get your coupette, empty of ice, and double strain mixture into the glass.

Garnish with a fresh raspberry

Serve and enjoy!


There are conflicting accounts behind the birth of the French Martini. Some claim the twist on the classic Martini was invented at one of Keith McNally’s New York bars in the 1980’s. Others insist that it was created by Chambord as an elaborate marketing stunt. Dale DeGroff considers this the cocktail that kicked started the new Martini phase – cocktails called ‘Martinis’, but that are in no way true to the classic Martini.

Despite various claims that this drink was created as part of a marketing campaign for Chambord, Simon Difford of Difford’s Guide, assures us that the drink was in fact created for Keith McNally’s Balthazar bar in SoHo New York.